Friday, September 13, 2013


Thank you everyone who has send a card, a letter, or a package during my first month away! I enjoy these encouraging methods of communication more than you will ever know! I have heard from friends I haven’t seen or heard from in years – what a blessing! Some of you, my very best friends, have encouraged me in my hardship and are willing to write back with even more encouraging words! The packages of goodies, games, books, and the list goes on is not only fun to open BUT a huge blessing!
I may have said this before, but I can say it again! I enjoy looking up at night and in the morning when I wake and being able to see the many cards and letters of encouragement. Through my weakest moments, I am reminded of the prayers being lifted up and the many people who believe in me! The brightly colored cards, hand written letters and the cute drawings bring an instant smile to my face.

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