Tuesday, July 2, 2013

One whole week of fundraising.. What now - GARAGE SALE?

Well week ONE is down and felt like it flew by! I have been blessed through my Razoo fundraising and have reached the 16% funded mark! I am super excited and prayerfully focusing on God's provision and that He is in control of these funds. The Lord is good and He will provide!

Thank you sweet friends who have financially invested in this journey of my life through this first week! Your encouragement through emails, Facebook messages and cards have brought so much joy to me during a very busy and potentially stressful time! To those of you still praying over financially helping me, thank you for seeking Him with this opportunity. He is the one who knows best and is able to provide all that we need when we choose to give financially to His work.

What now?

Okay so, after two weeks of digging and diving all in my storage unit and my closets at my dads house... I have come up with enough "stuff" for my first garage sale. I didn't get a chance to ask for donations for this garage sale, but I still have every intention to contact and advertise to my Facebook friends asking for garage sale donations.

So when is this garage sale? THIS SATURDAY - July 6th! Facebook friends can contact me for the address (since this blog is posted everywhere).

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