Wednesday, July 24, 2013

July has flown by!!

Well here we are... almost to August! And for those of you keeping up with my fundraising... you know that this means less than one month till the first day of my NEXT 9 months! Let the official countdown begin and we are at 24 days!!!
I share with you that as of last night, after a large donation, my fundraising has reached 42%!
These past few weeks, I have been blessed by those donating who have been a part of my life for a long time. Those within the church, my neighborhood and school systems. Those who have watched me grow from a young age to the adult that I am now. I can not think these people enough for their blessings in my life growing up, as well as their financial investments for the next 9 months!
So what is going on with me now...???
I am currently running around with my head cut off trying to figure out last minute ways to raise the last half of my money for this journey. I have had a few new friends who are looking into helping me with ideas and even asking their own churches for help.
Tomorrow I will leave Texas and drive a WONDERFUL 8 hours to New Mexico to be a bridesmaid in one of my best friends weddings. While I am very excited and honored, this just means I am one step closer to go time (AUG 17) which can make me nervous at times because of the fundraising. This trip will also be four days away from my home (work place) of fundraising. I know I will be focused on this... but I also know I am very excited to spend time with these wonderful NMMI friends that mean SOOOO much to me! Lifetime friends for sure :)
When I return, I will be mailing out last minute support letters to those who may not have accepted them via Facebook or are just not technologically savvy. Within my neighborhood, I am also filling the mail boxes with donation requests for my next garage sale. I am doing this as an effort to get more "stuff" to sale for a larger variety of people to come and purchase!
With that said - I am having a final garage sale to raise funds on August 10th and hope to have many people donate items because what I have left over from my last one is not enough variety. My goal for this garage sale is again going to be $100-$200, but of course I would love to knock those numbers out of the water!
When I said I was running around with my head cut off - I meant it! There are some days I have to just stop and remind myself.... The Lord is in control. Nothing I "DO" provides the money necessarily... HE is the Provider. I have many things to take care of within these last few weeks (wedding, making sure I have all my equipment, fundraising, garage sale, letters, donations, packing), but I am going to focus on one day at a time. That's the only way right???
Love you all!

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